Enterprise Application Integration

Enterprise application integration is an integration framework composed of a collection of technologies and services which form a middleware or “middleware framework” to enable integration of systems and applications across an enterprise. Many types of business software such as supply chain management applications, ERP systems, CRM applications for managing customers, […]

Generative AI Integration

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that can produce various types of content, including text, imagery, audio and synthetic data. The recent buzz around generative AI has been driven by the simplicity of new user interfaces for creating high-quality text, graphics and videos in a matter of […]

Migration to Hybrid and Multicloud

In the Migrate methodology of the Cloud Adoption Framework, migration to the cloud is already considered to be a hybrid or multicloud process. Most of the guidance in that methodology will remain relevant when you migrate to a hybrid and multicloud environment. The biggest shift from that methodology is related […]